Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Open Letter to M.Night Shyamalan


                           I want to thank you first of all for the wonderful stories you have given us. When you wrote “The Sixth Sense” it was one of those stories that captured the imagination. You were a big bright star in a dismal Hollywood, the next big director that was going to conquer the world. For your follow up you made “Unbreakable”, where you did a great comic book movie before comic book movies were cool. It was such an original story and still is as good as anything Marvel has put out since then. Now you really have people’s attention, we are actually looking forward to the next M. Night Shyamalan film. The next film was “Signs”, a film with Mel Gibson; I mean does it get much better than that? The story was intense and I think most people even looked past the water thing, because you were the guy who brought us “The Sixth Sense”.
                      So from 1999 to 2002 you brought us two amazing movies and a pretty good one, so what will the follow up be?  When I saw “The Village” I could see the beginning of your decline. I looked past it, because of the movies you had brought us already, because even greatness can be average sometimes. So how many chances do you give someone because of their past? Well with you sir, I was still fully in, when “Lady in the Water” came out, I was excited, thinking, ‘he is back’. Well after seeing the movie, I could see that you were not, and that you were still sliding backwards. Then the movie that was as bad as you can get came out in “The Happening”. I mean what was that film even about besides bees and Matt Damon.
               So I am thinking you have hit rock bottom, but then you release “The Last Airbender”, not as bad as “The Happening” but not much better either. So when do you give up on a storyteller who has given you so much great stuff? Well then you gave up directing duties and wrote “Devil”. Not a good movie, but you could see in the story what made us all love you in the first place. So you release something that gives us as moviegoer’s faith in you again and what do you do to return that faith? Well you release “After Earth”; I mean you went back to “The Happening” level. I don’t know if I can give you another chance, I am tired of being disappointed. It’s like you are that ex who you always get back with because of the promise of greatness, but then you realize they are the same person you didn’t want to be with anymore.  There is no spark anymore, the magic is gone.  Could it be true that you got a sped-up version of George Lucas-itis?  That after two films you surrounded yourself with yes-men that tell you everything you do is genius?  
I keep thinking this is all part of your plan, that like in “The Sixth Sense” you are going to give us a crazy twist. Unfortunately the twist is that you haven’t written or directed any of your movies since “Signs” and that it was a kindergarten class writing all the other stories. I really hope that is true, because if it isn’t, then that just means that you wrote them, and that maybe you were not that good a storyteller as we all believed.

 Brian Taylor

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