Friday, August 23, 2013

Five Films to look Foward to in the Fall

          After a pretty weak summer movie season, the fall is upon us.  It can be the dump month and it can be the prequel to Oscar season.  Speaking of prequels I only see one coming in the fall by way of director Kenneth Branagh and starring Chris Pine (Star Trek) as a young Jack Ryan, the fifth in the series but pre-Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, and Ben Affleck.  Hey, if he could fill James T. Kirk’s shoes, he can fill Han Solo’s.  There are of course sequels abound, with Hobbit’s with plans to Desolate Smaug, “Insidious” spirits, “Riddick” with his spooky eyes, Jenifer Lawrence “Catching Fire”, and fan favorites Ron Burgundy and Machete, and heaven help us, Madea. Now normally I would site all these sequels as a bad thing if two of them were not on my list of five to look forward to.  Now on to the list.  With the help of some visuals.

1)    Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 (Sept. 27)

If you’ve never seen the first Meatballs movie, you are sorely missing out on one of the best animated films of the past ten years.  The humor was so specific, subtle, and genius at times, yet still found a way to give you that heavy-handed message through the use of the Flint Lockwood Diatonic Super Mutating Dynamic Food Replicator (FLDSMDFR).  If the trailer is any indication, it looks to be a lot of that same humor, with or without some life lesson I look forward to fun with the food-animals.

2)     Gravity (Oct. 4)

Alfonso Cuaròn has only made a few films, but since 2001 he has been firing on all cylinders with “Y tu mamá también”, the best Harry Potter movie, and the still fantastic “Children of Men”.  Now the dude is going into space with Clooney and Bullock as his only cast? I’m so ready for this.

3)    Thor: The Dark World (Nov. 8)

Not my favorite of the Phase One Marvel films, but it has grown on me after multiple viewings.  Most of the best moments occur on Asgard, and it appears that the majority of the film will be set there.  Maybe the fate of Earth will be hanging in the balance, but leave that to Joss Whedon and “The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron”.  I wanna see some super-god action of ‘Game of Thrones’ like proportions. 

4)    Her (Nov. 20)

Spike Jones doesn’t have many films under his belt between all his shorts, documentaries, and “Jackass” stuff.  But his films are always something to behold.  His vision can carry a movie even something like his recent “Where the Wild Things Are” while not a great film, visually, it’s on another level.  Plus it’s one of my favorite James Gandolfini performances, and it was just his voice.  And now that Joaquin Phoenix is done pretending to be crazy and back to doing some great work, I look forward to their collaboration.  And come on, what guy wouldn’t want their house to talk and take care of them in the voice of Scarlett Johansson?

5)    The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Dec. 25)

As a career daydreamer I am anticipating this movie like you read about.  The plot feels like the romantic-dramedy formula, but there is something in the mix that puts it a little off kilter, and I like what I see so far.  Ben Stiller was on his way down the Adam Sandler path, where you see him there and it’s like, “Hey, there he is, doing that same thing.” It’s funny.  But you don’t laugh.  It shouldn’t be that way.  Here Stiller looks to be taking some chances, and I do enjoy his directing choices more than his acting ones, so we’ll see if this is as great a film as the trailer makes it out to be.  

As with the fall season we also get those under the radar flicks that hit big, maybe Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s directorial debut “Don Jon” (Sept. 27).  Or  “12 Years a Slave” (Oct. 18) with the neglected for far too long Chiwetel Ejiofor.  It also could be Alexander Payne’s latest “Nebraska” (Nov. 22).  And of course the category of almost a sure thing we got David O. Russell’s “American Hustle” (Dec. 13).  There’s the Scorsese and DiCaprio combo of “The Wolf of Wall Street” (Nov. 15).  Jason Reitman’s “Labor Day” (Dec. 25).  And we’ll go out on my favorite brothers, the Coen’s with “Inside Llewyn Davis” (Dec. 6).

I don’t look forward to much this fall, but I hope for more surprises than the summer had to offer.

--Robert L. Castillo

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