Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Limited Top Ten...

I’ll say it now, as the other half of the Cine-Men, I missed almost every movie that was nominated for Oscars and Golden Globes this year.  All the big fall movies that probably would have made it onto my list were missed.  No Django, no Bond, no Zero Dark Thirty, no Silver Linings Playbook, no Beasts of Southern Wild, no Argo…  I’m sorry Ben, please forgive me.

This year did feel better than previous ones, we had a good start and a, from what I’ve been told a terrific finish.  With a particularly weak Summer.  “Avengers” did rule, but look at the competition: Dark Shadows, Battleship, That’s my Boy, The Watch.  The award season made up for it, though I won’t be able to tell until they come out on DVD.  So I can look forward to that until the next superhero summer, with the man of steel and man of iron.  Enough stalling, behold, my best of list…until I see the rest and completely change it.


This is by far one of the best action movies of all time.  And certainly the best one of the year.  The true plot is simplistic almost out of a soap opera, or whatever an Indonesia version of a soap opera is.  What we get is a SWAT team trapped in a drug lord’s safe house with criminals with guns, knives, machete’s and can all fight like Jet Li, and as the poster tells it, “30 Floors of Hell.”  The violence is hard core, and the set pieces are constantly outdoing the previous one.  You want adrenaline pumping action with great fight scenes, this is your movie.



Disney and Pixar decided to switch places this year, where “Brave” looked amazing, felt ‘done before’.  Like ‘Brother Bear’ before.  And the great voicing, characters, and story goes to the “Ralph” crew.  It’s a really sweet story with a heartfelt performance by John C. Riley, and an overly cute Sarah Silverman as game character glitch trying to find her place in the world as much as Ralph is.  Every time they are on screen together is magic and the video game jokes are clever for both adults and children.  The message can be interpreted different ways, but it has all the makings of a cartoon classic.



Being one of the un-popular kids in high school it’s easy to relate to the characters of this film.  One of the best “caught-on-tape” films that truly uses as much of the medium as possible, and is clever about the uses of cameras throughout the story.  What really works here is that not everything is spelled out for you.  You get a glimpse of what happened to the three boys that give them their amazing abilities, but the power is a mystery and it’s not what’s important.  It’s the effect this power has on the individual boys.  This is the kind of fantastic origin story I love to see, the kind done right and is original with a hint of familiarity to it.



The fitting finale to the ‘Godfather’ of super-hero movies.  Actually, it feels more like “Return of the Jedi” what with the over-stuffed narrative and tons of storylines to wrap up and all these new characters to develop and follow.  Being a third part of a trilogy, it’s still one of the better ones, Bane was a surprise hit, and even though it took Batman over 40 minutes of screen time to be Batman, in the end I was satisfied and the final moments are still worth watching, auto-pilot, and café scenes notwithstanding.  It will be hard for anyone to do something like this again.  I do however have hope for Superman and The Avengers.



After re-watching this one again recently, I’m still convinced that people missed the boat with John Carter’s adventures on Mars and that it will one day find its audience, and get the recognition it deserved.  I always used to wonder “Will anyone ever make another Star Wars?”  People compare films to it and none ever lives up to it.  But I truly feel that this is the close as anyone has ever come to trying to fill that gap that’s been there since Episode IV and V.  It truly has everything you could want in a film: action, adventure, humor, sword-fights, flying machines and man, and a cute sidekick beast.  Maybe there was a casting issue, and a little too much story too fast, but that doesn’t take away from the entertainment and pure enjoyment I get when watching “John Carter”.


This is one of those films with the indie sensibilities and heart that can make you laugh and still have a easy to relate message.  The set-up is a guy who may not be all there who puts a ad for a companion to go to the past with him.  Aubrey Plaza as the reporter intern posing as a candidate for said trip is perfect in the role.  The entire cast really works and since it involves time-travel (real or not) this was right up my alley.  The Duplass brothers works always feel to me like “Lifetime” movies for guys.  And I mean that as a complement.


I’ll admit, I am biased in many ways to the Middle-Earth movies.  Granted the original trilogy had a better start with “Fellowship of the Ring”.  I still enjoyed being in the world that Peter Jackson put on film.  And despite with obvious rip-offs of his own films, what more than made up for it was experiencing this film at the 48HFR.  I have never seen a movie like this before.  This is what it feels like what everyone said “Avatar” was supposed to be.  Overall this was not perfect but I enjoyed it for the stand out moments in a world I have come to love.


This penned Joss Whedon masterpiece felt like it picked up where “Scream” left off.  A film that makes fun of the horror genre while still being a solid entry in the realm of horror films.  My favorite horror is the kind that has more laughs than scares.  “Shaun of the Dead”, “An American Werewolf in London” and the like.  ‘Cabin’ does this in spades.  With the Bradley Whitford and Richard Jenkins characters we get an element not seen in horror before.  And I will give you it’s not very scary at all, and the gore is few and far between, but the last quarter of the film is so insane that it makes up for any shortcomings.  Most of all, hate it or love it, it’s a fun movie to watch and reminds you why the ‘Buffy’ and ‘Angel’ shows were ahead of their time.


It has Joseph Gordon Levitt, it’s written and directed by Rian Johnson, and it has time-travel.  Why wouldn’t I love this movie?  After recently buying this on bluray and watching the hell out of it (seriously, I’ve seen it five times since buying it) it has so many great moments, and great characters and the story which shifts near the end and asks a question that geeks have been asking for years.  I won’t spoil it, but it’s not really in the trailers and all it does is add to the brilliant story that unfolds before your eyes.  They also pull a “Back to the Future” gag in a grizzly way.  And watching Levitt transform into Bruce Willis is still as amazing as the Cage/Travolta switch in “Face/Off”.  If you haven’t seen this one yet, give it a watch you will not be disappointed.

What else can be said about this movie that already hasn’t been said?  Except maybe, “I told you so.”  On this very blog back in March I was onboard with this incredible aligning of planets that is Marvel’s heroes and the genius of Joss Whedon.  We got the summer blockbuster of which the like hasn’t been seen since the Star Wars films in the 80’s and dinosaurs and Terminators of the 90’s.  Whedon made the seemingly impossible possible by bringing this group together and have them win the day and our hearts at the same time.  Don’t believe me?  Watch people around you when the Hulk pounds the crap out of Loki and tell me that will never cease to make you smile.      

Honorable Mentions:  The Grey, 21 Jump St., Lincoln, The Expendables 2, Goon, Prometheus, Killer Joe, Ted, VHS, Jeff, Who Lives at Home, Lawless

--Robert L. Castillo

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