Monday, August 27, 2012

Premium Rush


          I have always wanted to live a more adventurous life. Now I don’t mean being a spy or anything like that. No, what I am talking about is doing things like sky diving or scuba, things where you may not have complete control of what happens. Well it seems I might need to add a new one on my list, bike cycle messenger in New York City. It may not sound as dangerous as the other things I mentioned, but after watching “Premium Rush”, you might change your mind.
          Wilee (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is a bike cycle messenger in New York, not because he has to be, but because he wants to be. Wilee likes the open air and living his life on the edge. You see Wilee has no brakes or gears on his bike, things that have caused him to have accidents. Wilee’s life is pretty uncomplicated, except for the trouble he is having with his girlfriend Vanessa (Dania Ramirez). All of that is about to change though, when Wilee is requested to deliver an envelope. Everything seems normal until a guy tries to stop Wilee before he even starts his trip. That guy is Detective Bobby Monday (Michael Shannon), and his reason to wanting to get the letter is truly personal. Wilee is able to elude Detective Monday, but is perplexed as to why the package he is carrying is so important to so many people. After getting away a couple of times, Wilee decides he wants nothing to do with the package and takes it back to where he got it. Things change though when Wilee finds out what he was carrying and he will do anything to get it to its correct destination.
         “Premium Rush” is a fun ride, but is lacking a solid story that would have made the film better. Directed by David Koepp, who also wrote the film with John Kamps, it really doesn’t give the characters much depth. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Michael Shannon are both good in their roles, but they don’t really have a lot to work with. Where the movie shines though is the bike scenes. Those scenes really show the dangers of being a bike messenger with all the daily peril that they go through. The good thing is, with a movie like this, I don’t think you really care about the story and characters. All you do care about is that the movie is fun and entertaining. I had higher expectations for this movie because of Koepp and Gordon-Livitt, and was let down. Don’t get me wrong I was not expecting a masterpiece, just something a little more entertaining. I didn’t get the rush I wanted, but I still got a decent ride, a ride most people might enjoy.
Brian Taylor


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