Friday, January 3, 2014

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones


                When it comes to horror movies in Hollywood they pretty much follow the same formula. I’m not talking about the method of instilling fear in you, but the way they always manage to run a franchise into the ground. It seems so many horror franchises start out as the next chosen one in the genre, but once they put a number 4 or 5 at the end of the film’s title it seems the soul of the original dies as gruesome a death as a Jason or Freddy victim. The question is can you blame them?  In the world of box office grosses, horror movies are so cheap to make, that most times it’s a sure thing to make money and in some cases lots of it.  The perfect example of this can be seen in last year’s “The Conjuring” which was made for 20 million dollars went on to make over 300 million at the box office.  So what else do you expect?
            Well if you are the Paramount Studios, you release another “Paranormal Activity” and watch it print money.  The previous “Paranormal” films were all connected with a pair of sisters who went through some horrific nights, both as children and adults. This film does not involve that family, but instead switches to a teenager named Jesse (Andrew Jacobs), who just graduated from High School. Jesse lives in an apartment complex with his father and grandmother. He’s just a normal guy who hangs out with his friends Hector (Jorge Diaz) and Marisol (Gabrielle Walsh) as they spend the days not doing much. When they stumble upon the death of Jesse’s downstairs neighbor, this is where things are supposed to get really scary.  While trying to unlock this mystery, Jesse discovers a weird mark on his arm, and he starts to change. What happens next?  Who cares?
          Part of me wants to tell you the whole story, only because I don’t want you to waste your money. This is not a very good film at all. I know most of the “Paranormal” films were not very good, but at least they did found inventive ways to scare you or at least creep you out in some way.  In “The Marked Ones”, the only fear induced is realizing you wasted an hour and a half of your time. In 2007 when Oren Peli made “Paranormal Activity” for something like twenty dollars, and it was original. The film brought something new to the horror film genre and started a new way to make movies. That new way was cheap and efficient found footage horror movies. Well seven years and so many movies later, it is not so fresh anymore, in fact it is just plan tired.  I think the studios need to take a break, or find a way to do something different with it, but I know they won’t. As the old saying goes “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it”. “Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones” will make a huge profit, and the series will keep going and going, at least until there is no more money to be made. Just like a professorial athlete who hung on for too long and becomes a shell of their once great self, this series is past its prime. In the world of found footage horror movies, this one is better left lost.  Until the next one that is.

Brian Taylor

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