Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Twelve Top Christmas Movies


    It’s the most wonderful time of the year. It’s time for family, presents, food and of course movies. So in keeping with the spirit, I present to you the twelve best Christmas movies. Why twelve you ask? Well I am writing this on 12/12/12, and it goes great with that song “Twelve Days of Christmas”. Plus If I just did ten I would leave out some of my favorites, so without further ado (drum roll please) Here they are.

 12. Lethal Weapon: Yes I know not much to do with the Holiday Spirit, but every time I hear a mall Santa Claus say “I am getting to old for this” I cannot help to think of this film. It also takes place during Christmas and let’s just admit it, who didn’t love Mel Gibson when he was just pretending to be crazy.
11: Elf: I have it this far down the list because it has not paid it dues yet. I love this Will Farrell comedy about one of Santa’s elf’s finding out that he isn’t a real elf and seeks out his real father played by James Caan. This movie I know will move up this list as the years go by.
10: Die Hard: I know another movie that isn’t so much about Christmas, but about one guy who is in the wrong place at the wrong time. To me Christmas screams “Die Hard”, and of course Bruce Willis does a great job of showing what can happen when you make the naughty list.
9: How the Grinch Stole Christmas:  This is not a great movie, but you know what is great? That you can sing along with Jim Carrey as he sings “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch”. The other great thing is that we all grew up on this book, so just for that reason alone, this film makes the list.
8: White Christmas: There is nothing better to me then hearing Bing Crosby sing “White Christmas”. I know I just may have lost half the readers, but this movie really brings the Christmas spirit and you can’t beat the singing. It brings back memories of Christmas past for me, when this time of the year wasn’t all commercialized, and it was just Christmas.
7: Polar Express:  This is just a magical movie. I say anytime you can have Tom Hanks play a train conductor on a magical train to the North Pole, you got to do it. This movie looks amazing and it just is spilling over with Christmas.
6: The Nightmare Before Christmas: A movie about the King of Halloween, Jack Skellington, who is bored with just Halloween and decides that he wants to be Santa Claus. This great film by Tim Burton and Henry Selick, does not scream Christmas, it’s a must see on Christmas and on Halloween.
5: Nation Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation: We have taken trips with the Griswolds, which seem to turn out not-so-right. So it makes since that their Christmas gatherings might have a few setbacks. This hilarious addition to the Vacation series is still fun to watch, if for any reason alone, because you love Christmas lights.
4: Home Alone: Everyone’s favorite, the kid who got left alone and stops burglars from breaking in his house with cool booby trap Christmas movie. I still love seeing a kid get left at home on the Holidays. The question that still bothers me to this day though is, how did they forget this kid twice?  Oh right, sequel money.
3: It’s a Wonderful Life: Till this day, every time I hear a bell ring, I believe an Angel gets its wings. This Frank Capra classic starring Jimmy Stewart reminds us every year the true meaning of Christmas. It also doesn’t play on TV five million times before Christmas. This is a classic and will always be “The” Christmas movie for me.
2: A Christmas Story:  “Merry Christmas” is said quite often this time of the year, but coming in a close second just might be “You’ll shoot your eye out”. This essential Christmas tale about a boy named Ralphie and the one present he wants more than anything still holds up today.  It has taught us so much, things like never put your tongue on a frozen flag pole, and of course that you really can shoot your eye out.
1: Scrooged:  Nothing says Christmas more than being hit with a toaster. This is one of the many memorable scenes you will see in this Bill Murray film on the classic take on Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol”. It shows how seeing three ghost can turn a grumpy old man who hates Christmas to a guy who learns what Christmas is truly about, and plus it is about as funny a movie as you will see, no matter what time of the year.
   So there is the twelve must see movies for Christmas, I know my list may be different from yours, but this is the time of the year for sharing, and I share with you, a very entertaining twelve days of Christmas.

Brian Taylor


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