Sunday, December 23, 2012

What's on Redbox--Stolen

          As a film lover, there is one type of film that still hope against hope to discover.  The ‘good’ direct-to-video movie.  After watching the new collaboration between Nicolas Cage and director Simon West “Stolen” all I can say is “The search continues.”

Cage is Will Montgomery a master thief, we are meant to assume this since we only see him actually pull one job which takes place at the opening twenty minutes of the film, and he gets caught.  So we have to take everyone’s word for it that Cage is the best there is at what he does.  So we catch up to him eight years later where after being in prison so long he’s still considered the best as the cops are following him around and a former partner played extremely over the top by Josh Lucas decides to kidnap Will’s daughter in exchange for the money that was lost on the eight year old job.

The film is filled with clichés from beginning to end and the script is laughably bad, like I said we only see Cage’s character use his supposedly incredible thieving skills twice throughout the course of the film, mostly we are just told, one character even says the words “Who steals from the world’s best thief.”  Everything else from the cops, to the cab drivers, to the criminals, all are reading from the action movie handbook.  And not in the fun, action-packed “Expendables” kind of way.  More like the, well, like the home video kind of way.  Which is a shame seeing as how West directed the dead-on "Expendables 2".

Though there is usually a reason a film is shot with the intention of wide release and winds up on the direct-to-video shelves, I still get tempeted to see if it really is that bad.  I mean the last time Cage and West got together was “Con-Air”.  Unfortunately they don’t capture the same magic here and sadly the only thing that is "Stolen" is your time.

--Robert L. Castillo

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