Thursday, July 18, 2013

R.E.D. 2


         When I was younger the aging marquee stars of the past would take roles that fit their age. Like Henry Fonda in “On Golden Pond” or the whole cast in “Cocoon”. Well times certainly have changed, because now either because there is no one worthy to take their place, or Clint Eastwood has taken all their roles, action stars of the 80’s will not go away. I once heard someone say that you won’t see Mick Jagger up on stage at 60, well like that person I never thought Bruce Willis would be killing bad guys on screen 25 years after “Die Hard”, I guess we were both wrong.
        In 2010 Summit released “R.E.D.”, a movie based on a limited comic book series from DC. The move did surprisingly well and Summit green lit a sequel. Take the aging actors that were in the first film and add more aging actors seems like was their battle cry. Bruce Willis and John Malkovich are back, as well as Helen Mirren and Mary-Louise Parker. Added to that cast is Anthony Hopkins, no one plays crazy better than him. Catherine Zeta-Jones, who plays a sexy Russian, and Byung-Hum Lee who is the baby in the main cast. The plot is simple enough, the R.E.D. crew must come together to stop a nuclear bomb that was placed in Russia during the cold war. Lots of shooting, plenty of explosions, and of course witty dialogue follows.
       It is easy to hate sequels, and for good reason, most of them are not as good as the original. “R.E.D. 2” becomes one of those rare movies, where part 2 is as good, or even better than the original.  I think it is because everyone was having fun when they make this movie, and that translates to the audience. Bruce is Bruce, and brings the same things that have made him an action star for the past 25 years; you see how he has been doing it longer than most of his targeted audience’s ages? Everyone is good in this movie, and they embrace their characters and you want them to win. The movie wouldn't be the same though if Mirren or Malkovich were not there, because they provide some of the best lines of the movie. Bringing on a new director in Doug Parisot is what maybe makes this film miss the sophomore slump, or maybe it is just bringing back the original writers Jon and Erich Hoeber.
Whatever the reason, you will have more fun and enjoy “R.E.D. 2” more than the first film. I for one am glad that the action stars of the eighties have not gone on to roles that more fit their age. There is simply no one who kicks ass like they do. Just keep is coming Bruce, Arnold, and Sly, because no one can do it better than you.  Well, maybe Jason Statham.

Brian Taylor 


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