Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Conjuring


                 Everyone has a ghost story or at least knows someone who does. Some people use these stories as a game, something you do while you sit around a campfire or something. To others those stories are not to be retold, instead they are locked away and you hope you can forget. I have heard stories from people that I couldn’t believe and would never want to experience them personally. The only things I have seen that terrified me have been on a movie screen, and I have seen enough of those to know the rules. You never go and investigate a noise in a cellar by yourself, also if things start moving by themselves just get out, and finally never buy a house or some land if you don’t know it’s history. Unfortunately for the Perron family they didn’t follow any of those rules.
            “The Conjuring” is a story of a family in the 1970’s who buys what they think is their dream home in Rhode Island. Not long after moving in, things start to happen that are unexplained. Things like the house being cold, doors opening and closing on their own, and seeing people that were not really there. After a few months of these things happening, the family seeks out Ed and Lorraine Warren, who are experts on such unexplained occurrences. What the Warren’s find is the worst thing they have ever investigated.
          Let’s face it; we all like to be scared. We want to find that horror movie that makes us fear the noises we hear at night when the lights are off. With so many stories out there, you would think that they could make a movie that did that. Well “The Conjuring” is not there, but it is pretty close. Not since watching “The Exorcist” as a child, have I experienced the chills that ran up my neck. This is not a “jump out of your seat” scary movie, this is a tense and at times terrifying scary movie. Making you jump is easy, have someone appear out of nowhere, or a loud noise break dead silence. The trick for me though, is feeling like I should leave the closet light on because of the things I saw. Ed and Lorraine Warren’s case files have been used as basis of a few films. Films like “The Amityville Horror”. “The Haunting in Connecticut”, and “The Haunting”.  Just like in “The Amityville Horror” in 1979, “The Conjuring” brings a story that will make you believe in things that are unbelievable. I think the best review I can give this movie is after the credits rolled, I believed what I just saw really happened.  Imagine that, a based on true horror story that I believed.
This is a movie that will have some of you watching it through your fingers. It may not answer all questions or prove to you that some things really exist. What “The Conjuring” will do that most movies like it don’t, it will remind you of a time when horror was good and scary.

Brian Taylor

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